August 6, 2018

Happy Thrifting | Part 2

     I'm sure many of you know that thrift stores are my weakness. It is rare for me to not pop into one I happen to drive by. Some people may scrunch up their nose at this, but I don't care! I love thrift store shopping and finding great deals. This post is on how I do that. I know I've written about it before {here}, but I wanted to share some additional tips so here they are...

     When shopping for clothes, instead of looking at every single piece of clothing, I look for colors that I know look good on me. In fact I have taken several "what's your seasonal color " quizzes and I know that I'm a cool winter AND cool summer.. so jewel tones look fantastic on me. No pastels please! 

     Shopping this way cuts my time in half! And as a mama of 7, I'm sure you can understand how I appreciate that. You can take this quiz {click here} to find out what your color is.

     I also usually go in with a list of specific items I am looking for. Either for a specific event or family pictures and I just don't have what is needed. But this doesn't stop me from shopping if I have no needs lol.. like I said, I have a weakness for thrift stores.

     Some times I do see a clothing item that I like the cut or style of, but not the color. That's when I take a look at the label of the garment. If it's 100% natural fibers, I know I can dye it into another color. Though I've mentioned before that I don't usually buy anything that's not a natural fiber. I think I have maybe 10 garments in my closet that are polyester. This is why {click here}.

     I always inspect the garment for any stains or tears. I am usually pretty good at removing stains and fixing tears that are on the seam. But bleach stains cannot be washed out and holes don't look good patched up. Unless that's the look you're going for.

     Always always ALWAYS try things on. Just recently I purchased a pair of cute pink jeans without trying them on, came home and they didn't fit! The label was my size, but must have been a sizing mistake or they shrunk because they were just too small! Maybe they just need to be unshrunk.

     If the item does not fit, I put it back. Unless the item is bigger and can be altered to fit AND I absolutely adore it AND I have the time. A couple months ago I purchased a fancy dress that is 2 sizes too big. I'm still working on unpacking my sewing room, but once I do that I cant wait to alter it! 

     With such great bargain prices, it is easy to get carried away and buy all the things. Though I no longer want a capsule wardrobe, I still don't want to stuff my closet to burst. So there are 2 questions I always ask myself: #1. Do I like it or do I love it? If it's a like, I put it back. If it's a love, I ask question #2. Can I wear this at least 3 different ways? If it's a no, I put it back. If it's a yes, I buy it.

     Some thrift stores will give you coupons when you donate clothes or household items. Ask at the register for more info. I just found out that Goodwill gives 25% coupons when you donate a grocery bag stuffed with grocery bags. Yes, please! 

     Most thrift stores also have sales on specific days and tag colors. Ask at the register if they have a flier for you to take home or snap a picture of. Often times it doesn't stop me from buying something I adore even if it's not on sale, but it is nice knowing this ahead of times. Yes, thrift stores are full of bargain prices, but who doesn't like extra savings?! 

     So there you have it, some tips for happy and successful thrifting..

1 comment:

  1. Я тоже трифты обожаю. Никаких моллов мне не надо. Но у меня слабость к красивой посуде. С одеждой пока не научилось :).


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