June 27, 2016

My Bucket List

Give birth at home 11.21.16
Become a doula
Visit Sri Lanka
Own and wear a Sari
Yarn bomb
Run in a 5K
Publish a book
Make a vlog and post it
Go on a romantic getaway
Ride an elephant
Convert a school bus into a skoolie
Cross country road trip
Visit my birth place of Moldova
Build a house
Walk in Central Park
Visit the 9/11 Memorial
Times Square at night
Liberty Island
Ellis Island
Shower under a waterfall
Take a photography class
Go backpacking
Surprise someone
Volunteer 06.29.18
Learn self defense 04.15.18
Stand up to a bully
Go on a random trip with no destination
Have a picnic somewhere unexpected 
Visit a castle
 Go on vacation alone
Design and sew a wedding dress
Sew a piece of clothing completely by hand
Build a piece of furniture
Take an underwater selfie
Be proposed to


  1. If you ever make that vlog, I will definitely watch it (=

    1. One day, when I build up the courage ;)


Please share your thoughts and ideas!